AI, much like rocks, may seem like an obstacle in our path, but it may prove to be a tool that helps to build a castle to lift up everyone. Perhaps that might be more grand a metaphor than necessary here, but it’s difficult not to get all excited when thinking of the future. Anything is possible in the future. One could argue that’s what makes potential so frightening a thing. One thing AI has a great deal of is “potential”, but before we get into any more grandstanding, we should first look at the rocks in front of us: the tools we have now. One day, AI might build a castle, but for now, it’s simply a tool. So, let’s learn what we can of this tool to better plan what to build with it.
“Rocks in my path? I keep them all. With them I shall build my castle.”
Nemo Nox
According to an article posted by IBM, there are three major types of AI that we understand based on capability. Now, something fundamental to understand about AI is that of the three types of AI, 2 of them are purely theoretical. As tangible as a dream currently.
The three kinds of AI currently are:
Artificial Narrow AI
Artificial Narrow Intelligence, also known as Weak AI, what we refer to as Narrow AI, is the only type of AI that exists today. Any other form of AI is theoretical. It can be trained to perform a single or narrow task, often far faster and better than a human mind can. However, it can’t perform outside of its defined task. Instead, it targets a single subset of cognitive abilities and advances in that spectrum. Siri, Amazon’s Alexa and IBM Watson are examples of Narrow AI. Even OpenAI’s ChatGPT is considered a form of Narrow AI because it’s limited to the single task of text-based chat.
General AI
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), also known as Strong AI, is today nothing more than a theoretical concept. AGI can use previous learnings and skills to accomplish new tasks in a different context without the need for human beings to train the underlying models. This ability allows AGI to learn and perform any intellectual task that a human being can.
Super AI
Super AI is commonly referred to as artificial superintelligence and, like AGI, is strictly theoretical. If ever realized, Super AI would think, reason, learn, make judgements and possess cognitive abilities that surpass those of human beings. The applications possessing Super AI capabilities will have evolved beyond the point of understanding human sentiments and experiences to feel emotions, have needs and possess beliefs and desires of their own.
It’s the rocks we pick up along the way that build the castle. It can be AI. It can be just a tool. It can be knowledge. It can be just a rock. AI, just those two letters alone, comprises many things, many moving pieces. It’s a complex and powerful tool, but it is also just a tool. We must remember that only we can turn stone into a mighty castle.