Our Process

A Proven Path to Talent Success

Our Comprehensive Approach

Customized strategies for unique talent needs

We understand the intricacies of coordinating busy schedules and the need for a swift, painless process. We collaborate closely with our clients to create a customized process and timeline that efficiently addresses these challenges while ensuring a seamless experience.

Here is a closer look at our process:

Kickoff Meeting

We initiate the process by conducting a kickoff meeting with the client contact and any essential stakeholders critical to the position's success or the search process. These discussions help us gain insights into the skills, experiences, and attributes required for the ideal candidate. From this, we develop a tailored Position Specification that outlines primary responsibilities, requirements, and competencies.

Market Entry

With the approved Position Specification in hand, we swiftly enter the market to identify potential candidates. Leveraging our extensive personal networks and a meticulously crafted search strategy, we ensure that we approach all relevant individuals for the role. Our goal is to present a pool of qualified candidates to the hiring contact within 2-3 weeks of the kickoff date.

Candidate Qualification

We thoroughly vet candidates by conducting phone interviews, followed by videoconference or in-person meetings whenever possible. Our objective is to present you with the most qualified and suitable candidates.

Consistent Communication

Effective communication is vital throughout the search process. We schedule weekly update calls with the primary client contact to provide feedback from the marketplace, discuss progress with potential candidates, and address any questions or roadblocks in the recruitment process.

Candidate Presentation

Once we have identified qualified candidates, we present their resumes, background assessments, and, if applicable, links to portfolio samples. If preferred, we can assemble a slate of 4 to 8 candidates for your review, working closely to schedule interviews efficiently.

Referencing and Offer Support

After identifying your finalist candidate(s), we conduct thorough formal referencing and provide you with a comprehensive report. If additional background checks are necessary, we can assist in that regard. We also offer support in constructing and delivering offers, aiming for a smooth conclusion with minimal negotiation. Once the candidate accepts the offer, we assist in the onboarding process.

Overall Timetable

The overall duration of the search process primarily depends on the availability of client management for the interview process. While industry averages range from 90 to 120 days, we’ve experienced successful searches completed in as little as 30 to 75 days. Achieving a shorter timeline is possible with mutual commitment and effort from both sides.

At Larry Brantley Talent, we’re committed to tailoring our process to meet your unique needs, ensuring a swift and efficient journey to finding the ideal candidate.

Our Fees

Securing Your Search Investment

Our approach to search fees and expenses at Larry Brantley Talent is designed to be both fair and flexible, ensuring a tailored experience for our clients. Our search fee structure, which ranges from 20-33%, is based on two key factors: the level of talent required and the specific skills needed for the role.

Junior-Level Roles

Typically up to $80k in base salary. This search includes a 90-day replacement guarantee, subject to specific conditions being met.

Mid to Executive-Level Roles

For roles beyond the junior level, our comprehensive fee also incorporates a 180-day replacement guarantee, once again subject to predefined conditions.

Engagement Fee

To initiate the search process and secure our firm's commitment to your search, we invoice an engagement fee upon the execution of the search agreement. This fee not only kickstarts the search but also reserves your spot within our maximum bandwidth capacity, ensuring dedicated attention to your search needs.

Importantly, the engagement fee is not an additional cost but is deducted from the total fee at the conclusion of the search. This ensures that you receive the full benefit of our services while maintaining transparency in our fee structure.

Additional Expenses

In addition to our professional fees, we also handle out-of-pocket expenses incurred during the search process. These expenses may include interview and travel-related costs, as well as candidate background checks. Rest assured, all expenses are subject to your approval before they are billed, ensuring transparency and control over your investment in the search process. We believe in providing a clear and comprehensive understanding of our fees and expenses to facilitate a seamless and successful collaboration.

Let's Work Together

Let Us Bring Your Vision to Life

Our Process