
New Year, new potential job? I have recommended to many individuals that as the  current year winds down, it is a good time to look back and reflect on where they are in  their careers.  

Purpose plays a critical role in an individual’s career choice today more than ever. I recently heard a podcast on this topic. Lynne Twist is a well known speaker and author on this subject. In one of her books, Lynne quotes  the author and activist Howard Thurman, “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what  makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have  come alive.” Job satisfaction and longevity today is closely tied to personal satisfaction  and contentment. 

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what  makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have  come alive.

Lynne Twist

Below is a Venn “purpose” diagram that I like which helps an individual to look at where  they are in their current career. These answers will change for you depending on your  life and career stage. In my 20+ years of placing talent, I have never seen purpose rank  as important to people when selecting a new job or role. Be honest with yourself when  answering these questions. We’re here to assist as well as advise companies and individuals on their growth strategies in this new year.

I challenge employers to evaluate their current business portfolio and how they want to  grow or change. I found using a Venn diagram beneficial in making key decisions.  

2024 will be a year of change and growth! Let us be a part of yours!

With over three decades of progressive experience in the advertising, marketing, and communications fields, Larry Brantley is a luminary in the realm of talent acquisition. Larry Brantley’s enduring dedication, unmatched expertise, and relentless commitment to the industry make him a cornerstone of the creative staffing landscape. His legacy continues to shape the future of talent acquisition and professional growth.